Learn more about the Aging and Disability Resource Connection and how they can help older adults get the services they need.
If you or a loved one need assistance the ADRC is there to help. You can find your local ADRC at https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Index.aspx.
In Georgia you can visit https://www.georgiaadrc.com or call 1-866-552-4464 and select option 2.
Below are additional materials from the webinar.
About the Presenter:
Cara has a background in developmental disabilities and has been working in Aging Services since 2006. She was instrumental in the development and implementation of Georgia’s first non-Medicaid, consumer-directed program, Support Options. Cara has been working in the Aging & Independence Services Group at the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) since 2014. She started at ARC as the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) Program Manager. In that role, Cara had direct oversight not only of the ADRC, but also of innovative ADRC expansion programs such as the Behavioral Health Program and the Diabetes Health Coaching Program. In her relatively new role as the Access to Services Unit Manager for Aging & Independence Services, she has a broader oversight role of multiple programs including The ADRC, Community Options Counseling, the ePRO Resources team, and the Medicaid Waiver and Community Transitions units. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from St. Bonaventure University in New York as well as a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Kennesaw State University.